Welcome to BFG Pest Management

BFG Pest Management is your local independent friendly pest control provider. Addressing the needs of both homeowners and commercial clients. Based in Spalding we can offer services throughout South Lincolnshire, North Cambridgeshire and West Norfolk.

As well as holding the RSPH Level 2 Award in Pest Management, I also hold a current DBS certificate for added reassurance and I am happy to provide a copy if required.

We take pride in offering excellent customer service and aftercare, alongside highly competitive rates. Our initial site survey and quotation are provided free of charge.

BFG Pest Management Van

We strive to adhere to the standards within the pest control industry and continuously ensure we are up to date with current policies, procedures and legislation.

We are always conscious of the environment and fully support the Campaign For Responsible Rodenticide Use.

Our Services



Common House Mouse
(Mus Musculus)
Mice can transmit a number of diseases and this classifies them as a serious public health pest. At only 6 weeks old the female house mouse can begin to breed and produce litters of between 3 and 14 pups and has the ability to have between 5 and 10 litters a year.

Not only do they cause potential harm to our households they can also be the cause of expensive damage to both personnel belongings and building structures. Mice have to ability to chew through cables therefore increasing the potential risk of fires been started.

Our services not only include taking steps to eradicate any mouse problem you may have but are also inclusive of providing mouse proofing advice and we will be happy to implement these measures as to assist with the prevention of their return.



Brown Rat (Rattus Norvegicus)
is the most common rat and the larger of the species within this country.

Black Rat (Rattus Rattus)
is the least common.

Both of these subspecies can carry many nasty diseases which can pose a threat to humans. These diseases include Weil’s disease, salmonella and listeria. This is normally spread through rats urine.
It is said that a single rat has the ability to produce up to 50,000 droppings per year.

Rats can reproduce every 28 days and their litters are usually between 6 and 11 in number.

As with all rodents they have the ability to cause damage to property and do so often leaving not only the home owner but business premises with expensive repair costs to rectify damage caused.

As well as bringing infestation under control we can provide rat proofing services and ongoing support to reduce the risk of further rat infestation.



The Common Wasp (Vespa Vulgaris) and German Wasps (Vespula Germanica).
Both these wasps are common in the UK and are strains of species which appear with yellow and black stripes and a sting from either will be painful and at worst fatal. If you are especially sensitive to wasp stings they can send you into anaphylaxis which is a severe potentially life threatening allergic reaction.

Not all wasps nests necessarily need to be treated however, if they pose a risk to public health and safety we can support you with this process.



Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus)
There is some debate as to who it was that was responsible for the introduction of rabbits to our shores, with both the Romans and Normans being put forward as potential culprits. Either way, you maybe surprised to learn that they are not a native species.

As well as destroying crops, rabbits can damage lawns, and can carry fleas as well as diseases which can potentially be transferred to domestic pet rabbits.

In the England and Wales it is a legal requirement for landowners to manage rabbit populations, and the Pest Act 1954 was brought in to enforce this.

Here at BFG we have several means of managing rabbits and are happy to discuss these with you at the time of survey.

Our Services



Black Garden Ant (Lasius Niger)
Pharo Ants
Ghost Ants

The most common found ant here in the UK is indeed the black garden ant however other species can be treated in a similar way.

Whilst not necessarily a threat they can be a nuisance and for further support and guidance please contact us.



Mole (Talpa Europaea)
Moles can cause unsightly damage to your lawn and it is not only their mole hills that are problematic.

The tunnels that moles create underground can become unstable and holes may also appear. In extreme cases they can damage the foundations of your home. There are several methods of controlling moles dependant on the circumstances and we would be happy to discuss these with you.



Grey Squirrel (Sciurus Carolinensis)
Grey squirrels are not native to the UK and therefore are an invasive species that require controlling. Grey Squirrels can potentially damage your home, business and health and are commonly known to nest in lofts.

We have various methods of squirrel control at our disposal which can be discussed during our initial consultation.

Red Squirrel (Sciurus Vulgaris)
The red squirrel is the only squirrel native to the UK and as such is protected.

Since the introduction of the Grey Squirrel the population of the Red Squirrel has declined dramatically.

Our Services


Cat Flea

In the UK there are three types of flea.

Cat Flea (Ctenocephalides Felis)
this flea if the most common.

Dog Flea (Ctenocephalides Canis)
not as common as the cat flea.

Human Flea (Pulex Irritans)
whilst rare it can still be present.

In this country fleas do not currently spread diseases. However, flea bites can cause irritation and itching. If you believe you have a problem with fleas and you would like some professional support please contact us.



For the most part birds are something that we all enjoy seeing in our gardens and many of us encourage them to visit us through the use of bird tables. However, species such as The Feral Pigeon (Columba Livia), Wood Pigeon (Columba Palumbus) can become a nuisance and damaging to crops. We are happy to assist in managing this problem.



Bees (Apis)
There are over 200 species of bee in the UK, and contrary to popular belief, they are not protected. However, they are endangered and here at BFG Pest Management we do not endorse the treatment of bees for eradication. We are happy to advise on issues pertaining to bees and to put you in touch with local bee keepers and specialist bee removal experts depending upon the situation.

Here at BFG Pest Management we recognise that the above is not an exhaustive list of potential pests and consequently we are happy to discuss any pest control nees that you may have.

Proof we’re fit for the fight

BFG Pest Management is a member of the British Pest Control Association (BPCA) – the trade body for the pest management industry in the UK.

Our members logo is earned and we’re proud to display it because membership is a sign of professionalism and a mark of quality.

BPCA promotes best practice and being part of the organisation provides independent proof that we’re committed to excellence in every part of our business.

What our BPCA membership means for our customers

Membership is recognition of our expertise.

It shows we abide by industry Codes of Conduct and Practice and pass regular audits against British Standard EN 16636 – the benchmark of quality for pest management operators across Europe.

Membership also confirms that we’re able to provide detailed advice on pest prevention measures and will carry out a proper survey before starting any work.

It’s evidence that we protect staff, customers and members of the public through risk and COSHH assessments, it means we only employ technicians who meet or exceed the industry standard qualifications and shows that we’re committed to Continuous Professional Development.

Being part of BPCA also confirms that we hold the proper insurances.

Our membership also gives us access to technical support, business guidance and help with documentation and legislation – which means we’re always ahead of the game.

In short, it’s independent affirmation that our customers will be protected professionally – and that we’re fit for the fight!

You can always check our membership status at bpca.org.uk/check

Who are BPCA?

BPCA represents organisations with a professional interest in the management of public health pests to provide safe and healthy environments.

It’s the role of the Association to:

  • Highlight the risks of inadequate control
  • Offer guidance in what to look for when searching for a pest control contractor
  • Provide general pest advice and guidance documentation
  • Provide advice on how to select an appropriate pest control professional.


Every situation is different which means our prices will vary dependant on factors such as:

  • Pest Species
  • Number of Visits
  • Treatment Type
  • Location
  • Contractual Requirements

Where We Work


BFG Pest Management
PE11 4BE

Contact Us

Clive Harbour